Vibration Therapy

Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy uses vibration as a physical tool during treatment. Vibration is the propagation of elastic waves producing deformations and tensions on a continuous medium. The vibratory movement is very short and fast and repeated around an equilibrium position.

Vibration can be applied with different devices, as local therapy or as whole-body vibration.

In vibration therapy, the stimulation of muscle spindles and alpha-motor neurons muscle causes muscle contraction, and it increases electromyographic activity. Oxygen consumption, muscle temperature,and skin blood flow increase directly proportional to vibration.

Vibration therapy (VT) has been proposed as an option to improve physical performance and reduce the negative effects of ageing on bone, muscles and tendons. 


Neuropathic pain

Whole body vibration has positive long term effects on neuropathic pain caused by diabetes

Low Back Pain

Combined vibration and traction therapy are more effective than traction alone.

Heel lance pain among neonates

Mechanical vibration may be an effective and safe method for pain management of heel lance pain among neonates.

Muscle Pain:

  • Several articles investigate the effects of therapeutic vibration on the Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).
  • Most of them conclude that both the vibration applied locally and the whole body vibration, reduces pain.
  • Furthermore, they point that vibration therapy improved muscular strength, power development, kinesthetic awareness, range of motion, and increased blood flow under the skin.

Other applications of vibration in Physical Therapy

  • Some studies evaluate the effectiveness of vibration as a treatment for spasticitywith good results. An article concluded that local vibration is a safe and effective alternative for Chronic Post-Stroke
  • Vibration therapy can be used to improve Physiotherapy effects in individuals with Parkinson’sand Multiple Sclerosis.
  • As vibrations induce muscle contractions, they may be used to enhance osteoclast metabolism and prevent Osteoporosis in patients with reduced mobility.

How does it work ?

This therapy transmits gentle vibrations throughout the body that stimulate the muscles, causing them to contract and relax.

This increases blood flow to the areas that need it for healing.

Certain vibrations also promote the production of osteoblasts, which are important for bone growth and repair.

Sending gentle, massaging sensations to replace the discomfort, therapy machines and products result in a soothing feeling of pain relief, free of any electric shocks.