A malfunctioning thyroid can affect your entire body. You can develop a condition called hyperthyroidism if your body produces too much thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism is when your body produces too little thyroid hormone. These are both serious conditions that require medical treatment.

- iodine deficiency
- autoimmune diseases
- inflammation caused by a virus or bacteria
- nodules, or non-cancerous lumps
- cancerous tumors
- certain medical treatments, including radiation therapy, thyroid surgery, and some medicines
- some genetic disorders

Why is our Thyroid treatment right for you?
UPH Thyroid treatment is one of the best treatments for Thyroid in India. This treatment has already treated thousands of patients till now. UPH Thyroid medicine is made up of 100% natural herbal. Thyroid medicine is Thyronic Capsule
UPH Thyronic Capsule is an effective Herbal Formulation for treating Thyroid Disorder & maintain thyroid health also supports in healthy Metabolism & Increase all day Energy. Some of its main ingredients are Kanchanar , guggul & Brahmi . Kanchanar is an amazing herb that helps in maintaining the secretion of thyroid hormones. It also regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and improves the conditions. In addition, it enhances the glandular functioning to reduce the swelling caused due to goitre. Guggul extracts improve hypothyroidism by increasing iodine uptake and improving the activity of enzymes produced by the thyroid gland. Brahmi Stimulates thyroid activity by increasing the amount of T4, useful in treating hypothyroidism. It is one of the most important nervine herbs used in herbal medicine and helps to improve memory, concentration and de- toxify the nervous system.
Personalized Thyroid Treatment
The basic diet for Thyroid
So if you’re looking for iodine-rich foods to help thyroid function, here are several nutritious options:
- Roasted seaweed.
- Fish and seafood—especially shrimp, cod, and tuna.
- Dairy products, including yogurt, milk, and cheese.
- Eggs
- Nuts
- Iodized salt (also known as table salt)

We will provide you personalized Diet-chart
Personalize the meal plan to meet your needs
- Custom Nutritional Targets
- Dietary Needs
- Adjust Meal Preferences
- Powerful Recipe
- Organic Groceries
Our Approach to cure THYROID
Our Approach to Cure Thyroid
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The Unique Herbal Composition
UPH Thyronic Capsule is an effective Herbal Formulation for treating Thyroid Disorder & maintain thyroid health also supports in healthy Metabolism & Increase all day Energy.
key Features
- Helps to regulate the thyroid gland and restore its functionality.
- Helps to treat thyroid disorders.
- Enhance metabolism.
- Boost energy.
- Helps maintain the temperature of the body
- It helps to improve memory, concentration
- It helps to de- toxify the nervous system.
- It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
- It helps in wound-healing by inducing the formation of new skin cells
Frequently Asked Questions
Please see the container’s label.
Yes, it is 100% safe, UPH is a revolution in the field of medical science with a mission to provide the best ever possible health care services.
Once you received your order, call our health expert, our experts will call you and guide you.
No, there is not only 1 composition for all, the compositions are manufactured process according to your health conditions after you placed your order.