Breast cancer happens when cells in the Breast grow and divide in an uncontrolled way, creating a mass of tissue called a tumor. Breast cancer increases with age and weight gain. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of the breast. Most breast cancers begin in the ducts or lobules.
Breast has Three main parts:
1. Lobules: Glands that produce milk,
2.Ducts Tubes : That carry milk to the nipples
3.Connective Tissue :(which consists of fibrous and fatty tissue) surrounds and holds everything together.
Breast cancer can spread outside the breast through blood vessels and lymph vessels. When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is said to have metastasized.
Most common kinds of Breast cancer:
1) Invasive ductal carcinoma: Cancer cells begin in the ducts, then grow into other parts of the breast tissue.
2) Invasive lobular carcinoma: Cancer cells begin in the lobules, then spread to the breast tissues close by.
3) Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): May lead to invasive breast cancer. Cancer cells are only in the lining of the ducts.