A sitz bath or hip bath is a bath in which a person sits in water up to the hips.
It is used to relieve discomfort and pain in the lower part of the body, for example, due to hemorrhoids (piles), anal fissures, perianal fistulas, rectal surgery, an episiotomy, uterine cramps, inflammatory bowel disease, pilonidal cysts and infections of the bladder, prostate or vagina. It works by keeping the affected area clean and increasing the flow of blood to it.
Benefits of Sitz Bath
- A sitz bath can reduce inflammation, improve hygiene and promote blood flow to the anogenital area.
- Common uses of the sitz bath include keeping the anus clean, reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids, and healing perineal and vaginal lacerations after vaginal childbirth.
- Common reasons to use a sitz bath include:

- Recent surgery in the anogenital area
- Discomfort from bowel movements, such as constipation or diarrhea
- Discomfort from hemorrhoids, especially if they push outside of the anus
- Following childbirth
Anal fissures can be painful, and they are formed by little tears inside the anus. They can result from constipation, diarrhea, and vaginal childbirth.
Sitz Bath Benefits for Women
The vaginal opening surrounded by the labia lets out normal secretions and discharge that results from some health conditions.It is important to keep the vaginal and anal area clean, as well as the skin in between, especially if there is an unusual discharge. Good hygiene can prevent infection and an unpleasant odor.
- Using a sitz bath can help prevent infection, and, used with any prescribed medications, it can also help to relieve the symptoms of an infection.
- Sometimes a discharge occurs because of a problem with the Bartholin’s glands. The glands can become enlarged and painful, and an infection can occur. A sitz bath can relieve the symptoms of this condition and also of cyststhat may develop in the area.
- The main use of a sitz bath for women is to promote comfort and healing after childbirth.
- A sitz bath can relieve any discomfort in the genital area and help reduce healing time after labor. The sitz bath can also help soothe hemorrhoids, which occur in some pregnant women and can also develop after giving birth, due to pushing during labor.