UPH piles treatment is one of the best treatments for piles in India. . This treatment has already treated thousands of patients till now. UPH medicines are made up of 100% natural herbal composition. Hemorrhoids Care tablet is a stronger and more effective treatment for piles. It gives prompt relief from Piles/ Hemorrhoids. It reduces the size of Swelling, treating the symptoms and preventing the recurrence of this condition and constipation. The Combined action of Hemorrhoids care reduces the pain, stops bleeding and heals the Mucus membranes.
Some of the key ingredients of hemorrhoid tablets are:- Rhubarb extract, Horse Chestnut & Amla. Rhubarb helps to have less strain during bowel movements; this reduces pain from hemorrhoids or tears in the skin lining the anal canal (anal fissures). On the other hand, the Horse Chestnut has anti-inflammatory properties which may help relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation and swelling in the affected veins. Amla is helpful in relieving constipation in piles. Also, it helps in regulating bowel movements and cures chronic constipation.