UPH Pigmentation treatment is one of the best treatments for pigmentation in India. This treatment has already treated thousands of patients till now. UPH Pigmentation medicines are made up of 100% natural herbal composition. Pigmentation medicines are Blood Puration syrup
UPH Blood Puration syrup is a blend of herbal extract which purifies blood. it helps to remove itching and control all types of skin diseases including microbial infections, discolouration of skin, pimples, acne vulgaris. Some of its main ingredients are manjishtha, gorakhmundi & Bakuchi. Manjistha or Indian Madder is considered to be one of the best blood-purifying herbs. It is mainly used to break down blockages in the blood flow and remove stagnant blood. Manjistha herb can be used both internally and externally on skin for promoting skin whitening. Gorakhmundi acts as a very good blood purifier to remove toxins from the body. It reduces increased uric acid, urea and creatinine level and fights against various ailments. Bakuchi extract has blood purifier properties known as Raktashodaka that helps in treating skin problems like ringworm, eczema, dermatosis, itching of eruptions, and itching of red papules.