A Non-Invasive, Non-Surgical, Out Patient Treatment Option for Cardiac Patients.

As per World Health Organization’s Report:
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)are the number 1 cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. CVDs are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels and include Coronary Heart Disease, Cerebrovascular Disease, Rheumatic Heart Disease and other conditions.

Key Facts:

  • CVDs are the number 1 cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause.
  • An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, 85% are due to heart attack and stroke.
  • Out of the 17 million premature deaths (under the age of 70) due to non-communicable Diseases in 2015, 82% are in low and middle income countries, and 37% are caused by CVDs.
  • People with Cardiovascular Disease or who are at high cardiovascular risk (due to the presence of one or more risk factors such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Hyperlipidaemia or already established disease) need early detection and management using counselling and medicines, as appropriate.
  • 57% patients don’t live more than 5 years.
  • Heart Disease is No. 1 cause of death & hospitalization in the world.
  • Bypass Surgery, Balloon angioplasty or Stents are expensive options.
  • Every minute 4 adults suffer Fatal Heart Attacks. Shiddharth Shukla-40 years
  • 1 out of 5 heart patients in 30-50 years age bracket.
  • Every 35 mins., a death is due to Heart Diseases.
  • 20 Lakhs heart patients are added every year.

In India, 34% deaths take place due to Cardio Vascular Diseases annually. Invasive and Non Invasive treatments available for CVD depending upon the criticality, emergency and Patient’s condition.


Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP)Technique is a wonderful treatment can assist in prevention & healing from all forms of disease that stem from circulatory disorders of the vascular system, such as angina, coronary disease, coronary atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, ischemic brain disease, ischemic optic disease, poor peripheral circulation. It is especially helpful for patients with heart  disease who are not fit for procedures who cannot be cured with procedure. It is Safe, No Risk, Effective, Non-invasive, Low cost compared with other procedures. Since its birth, have cured millions of heart patients. Let’s promote this epochal device to every corner of India and save Lifes.

Safest, Non-surgical, US FDA Approved Treatment for Angina & Heart Failure.

How does enhanced ECP therapy increase coronary blood flow to the heart? Enhanced ECP triggers the body to create tiny blood vessels (known as collaterals) that act like a natural bypass, carrying blood around larger blocked vessels. Chest Pain in then reduced because the heart is again able to receive oxygen-rich blood. It acts by decreasing the after load that the heart has to pump against and increase the preload that fills the heart, increasing the cardiac output. In this way, enhanced ECP is similar to the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP). Since it increases pressure in the aorta while the heart is relaxing (during diastole) enhanced ECP also increases blood flow into the coronary arteries, which also occurs during that phase. Another theory is that cuff inflation / deflation increases the force of the blood to the heart, causing the cells lining the blood vessels to produce chemicals that widen the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow through more freely.

Clinical Evidence

Published in peer reviewed medical journals demonstrating enhanced ECP Therapy as a non-invasive, safe, low cost and highly effective treatment for patients with coronary artery disease. There are 8 randomized controlled trials (RTC) documenting the clinical outcomes and mechanisms action of enhanced ECP Therapy. The most well-known RCTs were the Multicenter Study of enhanced ECP (MUST enhanced ECP) in the treatment of patients with angina pectoris and Prospective Evaluation of enhanced ECP in Congestive Heart Failure (PEECHTM) study. There is also a subgroup study analyzing data from the (PEECHTM) trial for heart failure patients age 65 or older. For a complete Bibliography or Synopsis of the Clinical Studies for enhanced ECP Treatment.
  • Listed into guideline of American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.
  • Listed in guideline of European Society of Cardiology as IIa class for stable coronary artery disease.

Benefits from AECP Complete Patient Treatment proven in clinical studies

1. Increase in Energy, Exercise Tolerance, Alertness (Brain Function), Coronary perfusion, Cardiac Output, Oxygen consumption (VO2), Venticular function.
2. Increase in Perfusion creates natural bypasses around narrowed arteries in heart and other organs : lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, etc.
3. Reduces Chest Pain, Shortness of breath, fatigue, heart palpitations, legs pains from peripheral vascular disease, dementia (Alzheimer’s disease),  Cardiac Workload, angina & heart failure symptoms & classifications, medication (including nitro-glycerine & Ranexa)
4. Strengthens the heart muscle by reviving parts of the heart that have hibernated from lack of blood flow.
5. Sustainable relief in symptoms related to ischemic heart disease,
6. Decrease workload of the heart,
7. Retrograde arterial flow (shear stress) increases endothelial function,
8. Peripheral training effects (similar to exercise),
9. Cardiac Remodeling (stunned & hibernated myocardium)
10. Promotion of Collateralization,
11. Regressions of atherosclerosis,
12. Release in Growth factors.
Anti-aging, Prevention of: Strokes, Kidney Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, Memory Disorders, Vision Impairment, Rheumatic Disease, Hearing Loss and tinnitus, Diabetes and High BP, etc.

Insufficient blood flow to the heart Muscle from narrowing of coronary Artery may cause angina the jaw, (chest pain)
Angina can spread anywhere between the belly button and including to the shoulder, arm, elbow or hand usually on the left side.
Heart muscle is not receiving enough oxygen due to a narrowed coronary artery.

How does ECP Treatment helps our heart function?

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation System consists of 3 sets of inflatable pressure cuffs wrapped around the calves and the lower and upper thighs, including buttocks. In synchronization with each cardiac cycle, obtained with an integrated 3 Lead ECG, the cuffs are sequentially inflated from the calves to the buttocks during diastole to produce an arterial retrograde flow towards the aortic root to increase coronary blood flow. Enhanced ECP simultaneously increases venous return to raise cardiac output. The cuffs are deflated simultaneously before the onset of systole to provide an empty vascular space, reducing systemic vascular resistance in the lower extremities to receive blood ejecting from the heart, significantly reducing the workload and oxygen demand of the heart
AECP is one of the Enhance External Counter pulsation therapy machine. 3 sets of inflatable pressure cuffs wrapped around the calves, lower and upper thighs and buttocks. A Non-invasive treatment for patients with Chronic Stable Angina, which was approved by US FDA as a Class II Device.
Hemodynamically, the EECP improves cardiac output, increases circulation, recruits and develops new collaterals. It also increase circulating inflammatory markets and arterials stiffness, while also inhabiting smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration.Effective for patients suffering from the symptoms of ischemic cardiovascular and other diseases:
Congestive Heart Failure, Acute Myocardial Infraction, Cardiogenic Shock, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Renal Disease, Erectile Dysfunction, High Blood Pressure, other diseases or patient conditions that may benefit from improved circulation and blood flow.

Working Principle: –

As the external counter-pulsation is a non-invasive external adjuvant circulation treatment, this external counter-pulsation device, consists of main control unit, treatment bed and 3-level air-bags which may bind the four limbs or two lower limbs and hip of human body, is intended to be used for treatment of the ischemic diseases in heart, brain and kidney. According to its principle, R wave of human ECG is used as the triggering signal; in the diastole, the air is inflated from the distal air-bag to proximal air-bag of the extremities in turn to compress the limbs and force the arterial blood in extremities and hip back-flowing to aorta, so as to increase the pressure and blood volume of aorta and increase the blood infusion volume for the vital organs such as heart, brain and kidney. Prior to the systole, the air-bag is deflated quickly, leading to relaxation of vessels in extremities and dramatic decrease of peripheral resistance which is favourable for the blood ejected from ventricle to be infused into the artery of extremities via the aorta. The device may operate repeatedly based on the cardiac cycle to achieve the goal of treatment. The effects of the treatment include: –

  1. Increase the pressure and blood volume in diastole of aorta in order to increase the blood infusion volume for the vital organs such as heart, brain and kidney.
  1. In systole, the dramatic decrease of peripheral resistance is favourable for the blood ejected from ventricle so as to decrease the oxygen consumption of myocardium.
  1. It can affect the blood rheology and some of bioactive substances.
  1. Increase the blood circulation, promote the opening of collateral branch and anastomotic stoma of vital organs to improve the microcirculation.
  1. Increase the shear stress of blood and improve the function of endothelial cell of vessel, and prevent & inhibit the development and progress of atherosclerosis lesion.