

Balneotherapy is the treatment of disease by bathing in thermal mineral waters. Balneotherapy has been widely used for centuries, particularly for the treatment of chronicskin and musculoskeletal.

It is a clinically effective complementary approach in the treatment of low-grade inflammation- and stress-related pathologies. The biological mechanisms by which immersion in Herbal-Medicinal Water alleviate symptoms of several pathologies.

It’s effectiveness leads to anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, chondro protective, and anabolic effects.

It is an effective, well tolerated, complementary approach in the treatment of several pathologies—mainly those related to chronic inflammation—such as Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, and Neurological Conditions, and more importantly in Skin and Rheumatic Disorders.

Balneotherapy use in dermatologyhas been mainly for chronicPlaque Psoriasis. A beneficial effect is also seen on associated Chronic Psoriatic Arthritis. Atopic dermatitiscan be treated successfully with balneotherapy.

In the recent decades, more and more studies have reported the beneficial effects of Balneotherapy, on different clinical outcomes in patients with Osteoarthritis (OA), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Fibromyalgia (FM), and other Rheumatic Conditions.

The main clinical parameters improved by Balneotherapy in Osteoarthritis (OA) are analgesic drug consumption, function, stiffness, pain, and quality of life.

Since these therapies have no adverse effects, they are especially important for chronic patients.


Balneotherapy is an effective complementary approach in the management of low-grade inflammation- and stress-related pathologies, especially Rheumatic and Metabolic Conditions.